
Michigan Auto No-Fault Update March 2015

Please contact your legislators to support Auto No-Fault.

Efforts continue with the insurers on a number of issues in our informal discussions in hopes of finding a framework for a balanced reform package.  We continue to discuss efforts to review and study the current market conduct of insurers in relation to claims processing, broader discussions and approach to aggressively address and investigate criminal fraud in the system, cost containment measures as well as affordability(both premium reduction and rate regulation reform).  Progress is slow but in general productive.  Our time to find such solutions remains short. Without noted progress by both sides, I fully expect the ANF discussion to start in the House right after the Spring recess  (mid-April) and the Senate could possibly be even sooner.

Additionally, the City of Detroit, is pursuing its own ANF reform proposal to find a low cost policy for its residents.  Unlike previous attempts with legislative proposals being introduced by Senator Smith, this current effort is a high priority, if not the highest,  for Mayor Duggan and he is personally engaged in the discussions with legislative leaders and the Governor.  While attempting to ONLY address the City of Detroit’s problems with the ANF high cost coverage, this will add challenges to us both from a policy perspective  as well as changing some of the political dynamics from past legislative fights.  I will keep you posted as to what I continue to learn on this effort.

CPAN issued a press release announcing its filing of the supplemental brief ordered by the Michigan Supreme Court on our initial lawsuit seeking transparency of the MCCA.  It is very important to note that the question raised by the Court dealt with how the MCCA was exempt from the FOIA, and if it violated Michigan’s Constitution.

We have also provided an updated summary of the history of the lawsuit and the importance of the questions raised relative to the whole debate around auto no-fault reform.  This was shared with the entire legislature today.

Finally, here is a recent article from the LSJ which for the most part was balanced.


Kevin A. McKinney
McKinney & Associates
216 N. Chestnut
Lansing, MI  48933
(517) 487-2811