
Auto NO-Fault Urgent Action is required - SB 248 passed in the Senate! Next is the House, if it Passes We are All Going to Be Sorry!!

As you know, with less than 24 hours notice, the Senate Insurance Committee yesterday voted to pass Senate Bill (SB) 248, a bill making sweeping changes to the Michigan auto no-fault system. The Senate just pass the bill 21 to 17. It will now need to go to the House.

Specifically, SB 248 would 

  • Create an auto insurance fraud prevention authority; 
  • Create an entirely new catastrophic claims system;   
  • Imposes an hour limit for in-home provided care regardless of the skill level required to safely care for the auto accident survivor;  
  • Require a 20% co-pay (up to $200 a month) on attendant care, which would be a significant financial hardship for many families;   
  • Applies a fee schedules for health care provided under the auto no-fault system.
Does nothing to ensure rate payer relief. 


Your voice is critically important. Right now, without delay, please personalize the following message and send to all Members of the House and Senator. Please call those legislators with whom you have a relationship, and/or if they represent your specific region.

The CPAN website has a letter you can customize and send-  http://viethconsulting.com/action.php?orgcode=CPAN&laid=165871