
Michigan Auto No-Fault Reform Legislation in the House-Contact your House Member Today and Ask Them to Slow this Legislation Down

Please contact your Michigan House Members and ask them to slow this process down, it's too important to rush through.  Here's a link for you House Member.  http://house.michigan.gov/mhrpublic/

For those of you who did not make it up to the House Insurance Committee meeting today, the 2 hour hearing was relatively uneventful.  Senator Hune along with the Department first presented testimony. This was followed up by CPAN (John Cornack) along with MBIPC (Bill Buccalo and Joe Richert).  IIM (Pete Kuhnmuench) provided the industry’s perspective and then the last speaker before time ran out was Dr. Owen Perlman.  Many, many others were lined up expecting to testify today but the hearing was brief due to another committee meeting starting in the same room at 10:30a.  The House Insurance Committee has posted again for tomorrow at 2:30p or after session, whatever is later in room 519 House Office Building. There will be two overflow rooms available for folks to watch the proceedings and be called up to testify.

I know other allied stakeholders will be presenting tomorrow, as well as CPAN providing additional testimony on attendant care and the fraud authority.  Many survivors and family members will  be expected to provide testimony as well. And while the Committee chair has provided some leeway in the length of testimony, I would expect that he will be asking folks to keep it to 5 minutes if at all possible.

It is unclear when amendments will be offered (Wednesday or Thursday)  but we have taken steps to have them drafted on family provided attendant care (BIA), fraud authority to capture the claims fairness component, language to further address and clarify the excessive rates provision.  No language as yet to be provided/shared on cost containment. The MC3 issue is still under review and no amendments have been drafted but concerns have been raised.

I ask that all of you continue to contact your House members and ask to slow the process down and that we agree certain reforms are necessary including a meaningful rate roll back to Michigan drivers.  As of today, we have had over 1200 letters and emails sent to House members.

Yesterday, the House Detroit Delegation took a position to oppose Mayor Duggan’s City carve out proposal. Mayor Duggan has withdrawn the proposal and will workgroup the issue.

Today, the House Democratic Caucus took a vote to oppose SB 248.

Our unofficial vote count indicates proponents are still 9 to 10 votes short of getting to the magic number of 56.

I would anticipate a long afternoon on Wednesday. Depending on how the proceedings go will determine if a committee vote will be taken on Wednesday or Thursday. Our vote count shows that Chairman Leonard still has enough votes to get it out of committee but that would be strictly on a partisan vote.


Kevin A. McKinney
McKinney & Associates
216 N. Chestnut
Lansing, MI  48933
(517) 487-2811